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On the road again - Traveling and photographing

On the road again - Traveling and photographing

On the road again

Travel photography can be thought of in a couple of ways, making photographs to encourage travel to a destination, and making photographs while traveling.  My only experience is with the latter.  What struck me right away when I traveled to Scotland for 3 weeks in 2009 was the idea that all my daily responsibilities at home were no longer on my mind.  I got up early each day with my only agenda being photography.  At first, I was feeling anxious and a bit unclear of where to go and what to photograph, fortunately, I was on a loose assignment and my localhost spent many days driving me about and photographing along with me.  I realize that for many of us traveling and photographing takes place in the form of family vacations. I am included in this group most of the time and when talking with other photographers about the activity I hear them say “I can never take pictures because my family is waiting”. My answer is always the same.  I think the pressure we feel to hurry or not photograph at all is self-inflicted. I am reminded that there are always 1000 reasons not to make your photographic work, it is the nature of the creative process, we often look for reasons to avoid the challenge and fear of artmaking. So, I suggest adding photography time to your next travel plans and give yourself permission to use the time to make your art.