Thank you for reading my new blog

Thank you for reading my new blog

I have slowly become frustrated with social media as a way to have conversations with like minded artists.  With that in mind please consider doing the conversation on my newly revived BLOG. I will start conversations on topics that interest me, feel free to drop me an email with a topic you would like to start a conversation about.  Everyone is welcome.

Here’s to a wonderful holiday season

Hello friends :

   Happy holidays my friends, thank you for your wonderful support this past year. By collecting my work, joining the conversation on my blog, and choosing to study photography with me you have helped make this an important year for me.  

   My plans for 2023 include the continuation of The Weekly Edition prints, a limited edition boxed set of the Les Petits Vues prints from Paris, and a possible destination workshop in Paris next summer. I look forward to renewing my efforts of community building through the Lyceum Portland with print sharing salons, lectures by photographers I admire, and some free learning sessions about the practice of making photographs.

   Be well,

   Ray Bidegain